Cheesy Mustard Quesadilla
(Serves 1)
- 1 8 inch tortilla
- 1/4 cup shredded mild cheddar
- 1 tbsp shredded mozzarella
- 1/4 cup canned black beans, drained
- 1 tbsp mustard (I know the mustard sounds crazy but it gives it a nice tangy taste. C'mon, give it try!)
- a dash of garlic powder
- 1/4 cup chopped onions (optional)
2.For grilled onions, turn the stove top on medium heat and cook onions until golden and tender.
3.Spray each side of tortilla and pan with cooking spray.
4.On one half of the tortilla begin layering the ingredients starting with mild cheddar, mozzarella, black beans, onions, mustard (spreading it zig-zag on tortilla) and finish it off with a dash of garlic powder and fold the tortilla in half.
5.Give your quesadilla a good press to make sure the ingredients stay together but don't press too hard or the ingredients will all ooze out.
7.Let cool for 5 minutes
8.Serve with lettuce, sour cream, and your favorite salsa.
Brandon introduced me to a similar version of the Cheesy Mustard Quesadilla, but I decided to add a couple of ingredients that would make it more flavorful despite his disgust for vegetables. On Monday night, I was quite entertained by Brandon's reaction to the onions in this dish. I have never heard anyone say that onions remind them of little creepy crawlers. I just don't understand how he can eat an Awesome Blossom and not be grossed out but when it comes to Sam's quesadilla with onions...well, I'll just let you take a look...
Here is Brandon's chow-down, smackin' and interesting review....
With Onions
Without Onions
What does smacking no onion boy know….I say onions rule!! And if he’s going to review your good food; references to worms or other crawly things needs to be left out. Eating deep fried vegetables like and awesome blossom does not make you a vegetarian. Tell Brandon he’s a no meat eating, candy smacking, mustard loving, undercover hot dog eater. And his ranking should be on a scale of one to ten smacks. One smack not good; ten ear deafening smacks means great!
ReplyDeleteLet me just say that this is an incredible idea! I was wondering how to review the food that I am eating for this blog and now (thanks to my Dad) I will review in smacks--though I'm not sure I can deafen the ear.
ReplyDeleteThis is hilarious! I can't wait to hear the smacks. Thanks for the suggestion Mr. Randy. You might be able to hear the smacks in GA.
ReplyDeleteI must say that if I have to taste something, I want to make sure that all the tastes taste tasty. That's the tastiest tasting taste I've ever tasted. I am with Brandon though. Onions that you can see in foods totally suck. I shall ask Nikki to make this recipe sans the onions!